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Jonny Stacey

4 tips to help fix lower back pain

Image of a man showing how you can fix lower back pain

I have been a personal trainer now working in PT studios across South Buckinghamshire from Amersham to now Chalfont st Peter. I have worked with hundreds of clients and one of the most common things to come up when new clients start with me is they have suffered with lower back pain and in all my years experince it is mostly caused by the same things and can be cured by the same things.

so in this blog I am going to tell you exactly what causes it and how to fix your lower back pain

What causes lower back pain?

in most cases its lifestyle caused, a long time of repeating the wrong things and not doing enough of the right things.

Sitting down is a big factor to lower back pain, now days many jobs involve a lot of sitting down for long periods of time at computers, then those same people sit down while commuting to work in a car or on public transport...thats if they even go into a office anymore, working from home all the time is probably even worse as there will be even less movement through the day. After a long days work of sitting down they then come home and sit down in front of the tv all evening....sound familiar?

As a result of all this sitting down your hips get tight, your core and glutes get weak. This then means that your lower back ends up being put in a much more vulnerable position.

Then what happens is one day you do something like go to pick up one of the kids and then all of a sudden BOOM your lower back goes.

Out come the strong pain killers and laying vertical for a couple of days until it eases off. Once its gone you then go back to doing what you did before and not fixing the problem just allowing your lower back to feel like a fragile piece of glass ready to crack at any moment.

How to fix your lower back pain

So how do you stop needing to wince every time you attempt something you feel may make your lower back pop. Now I have worked with hundreds of personal training clients in the south Buckinghamshire area and helped them fix this problem for good.

Spend more time standing

Get yourself a standing desk for work or take your work calls strolling around. At lunch time or any breaks get up and move around, go for a walk. On your commute to work walk as much of the way as possible, on the tube stand instead of sitting.

What this is going to do is make your core and glute muscles do some work and not make them weak by sitting all the time. Walking more is going to help loosen off your hips by moving them about more.

Stretch your hips

Tight hips is a major factor I see with clients that cause their lower back pain. Start spending some time each day doing some stretches for your hips and hip flexors. Doing it once a week is not enough it needs to be daily maybe even several times a day.

Think of it like this, if you spend hours. day sitting and doing the things that will make your hips tight, then stretching once a week is not enough to counteract that. You need to be doing it daily.

Strengthen your glutes

Start building buns of steel, if you sit on your bum all day your glutes become underused therefore they become weak.

so invest in a hip circle band and along with your daily stretching start doing some glute bridges with your band and other glute strengthening exercises to help build up a muscle that supports your lower back

Strengthen your core

If you suffer with lower back pain its because your lower back is having to do more work then it should, often this is because you have a very weak core.

so you need to spend time building up strength in your core doing exercises like deadbugs, planks, pall off presses just to name a few

These are all exercises that can be done at home with limited or no equipment and you want to build them into a routine with your stretching and glute work

if you focus on all four of those things above you will put your lower back in a much better position and hopefully fix your lower back pain

But I get that maybe you have read this article but still not that confident you can sort it out on your own.

Thats where I can help, if you live in the south Buckinghamshire area get in touch by heading to my website and lets get you booked in for a free trial and let me help you get fitter and stronger

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